Humans are Plastic!

While the dangers of plastic pollution entering and contaminating our waste streams have long been widely discussed, new studies show alarming rates of plastic particles appearing in the human body, such as in human bloodstreams, cardiac tissue, digestive systems, and lungs.

Microplastics, or fragments of plastic debris measuring less than 5mm long, had previously been found in human faecal matter, lungs and placentas as early as 2018. However, up until now, we had little evidence of these materials appearing in enclosed internal organs.

UV Varnish: Cereal Killers

The relationship we have with our food packaging is built on trust. Many of us simply assume that the packaging in which our food is contained doesn’t affect the food itself. And it shouldn’t – but UV varnish has changed that. The chemical technology that gives packaging a glossy, luxurious and professional finish comes at a dangerous cost to the health of both consumers and the environment.

UV varnish is typically applied to a packaging surface when wet and then cured instantly by means of ultraviolet drying wavelengths. These varnishes are composed of various liquid components which partially…

Proof: Plastic causes Cancer

While the dangers of plastic pollution entering and contaminating our waste streams have long been widely discussed, new studies show alarming rates of plastic particles appearing in the human body, such as in human bloodstreams, cardiac tissue, digestive systems, and lungs.

Microplastics, or fragments of plastic debris measuring less than 5mm long, had previously been found in human faecal matter, lungs and placentas as early as 2018. However, up until now, we had little evidence of these materials appearing in enclosed internal organs.

The Crisis is happening now

This is not a problem that can be kicked down the road like a plastic water bottle. Single use packaging is suffocating our planet and our childrens’ future – NOW. 

Less than 5% of packaging plastics are recycled. Time has proven that recycling is not the solution. The intricacies of how to recycle effectively is complicated and therefore miscommunicated, misunderstood and mismanaged. 

New solutions are the only solution. We need a change for climate change’s sake.

This motivation is at the heart of SealGlobal.Co

This is our reality.

The Petro-Chemical

Processing Industry

What would you say to an industry that processed 99 MILLION barrels of plastic each day?

To the Petro-Chemical Processing industry that is shamelessly choking our atmosphere with no end in sight?

At SealGlobal.Co we believe enough words have been spoken. It’s time for actionable solutions that bring honest, visible and proven change.

It’s time to stop the choking and begin to breathe new hope.

Plastic Facts

1. Per a study published in Science Advances 8.3 Billion metric tonnes of plastic has been generated across the world since the 1950’s and only 9% has been recycled. The unrecycled plastic is building up in landfills and slowly breaking down into arguably more dangerous microplastics. 

2. The Science Advance study further shows that almost 40% of all plastic ever generated is for packaging purposes.

3. The National Geographic reports that roughly half of all plastic that has ever existed was made in the past 15 years. By 2050, approximately 12 billion metric tons of plastic will be sitting in landfills across the globe

4. Ocean Conservancy estimate that 8 Million metric tonnes of plastic enters the earth’s oceans per year – plastics in our oceans threaten not only the viability of critical marine ecosystems but further impact global food, water and air. 

5. Boris Johnson recently stated, when answering questions ahead of the COP26 climate change summit, that Recycling plastic materials “doesn’t work” and “is not the answer” to threats to global oceans and marine wildlife

Graph sources:

2021 Buying Green Report*

Key Takeaways

  • 73% of consumers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly packaging
  • 83% of consumers among younger generations showed a willingness to pay morefor sustainable packaging
  • 20% of consumers are willing to pay over 10% more
  • 57% of consumers are less likely to buy products with packaging that is harmful to the environment
  • 67% of consumers find it important that the products they buy are in packaging that is recyclable
  • 54% of consumers say the sustainability of the packaging is a factor in their product selection process

Source: Trivium Packaging

*The 2021 Buying Green Report is based on a survey of more than 15,000 end consumers across Europe, North America and South America. Within each region, the sample of respondents was representative of the overall population in terms of age, gender and income distribution. Survey questions explored participant behaviors related to sustainable packaging, including their willingness to pay more for eco-friendly packaging, and perceptions of different packaging materials.


Willingness to pay premium for Sustainable Packaging by Age

Global annual plastics production 1950 - 2015 (tonnes)

Primary Plastic Production by Industrial Sector, 2015